All posts by andrew
The Golden One is Done
New Seat & Rear Mudguard and Front Mudguard Painted
Wheels back on and I got a new reproduction rear mudguard. Bev did a fab job of the prep work on the rusty old front one. It came up a treat 🙂 Cleaned up and painted the rear light housing too. We also fitted the new seat that amazingly was ordered on eBay from a Thailand seller on Sunday and arrived on Friday. Gotta love DHL!
New Chaly tires fitted
Chaly Wheels and small parts removed for painting
And the Chaly lives!
A good clean up of the carb with my ultrasonic cleaner, cleaned out the fuel tank (in really good shape inside) , new fuel line, points removed and thoroughly cleaned, advance mechanism lubed, timing set with the light bulb method and away she goes!