The “Bitza” turned out alright in the end. Time for it to go to a new home.
Category Archives: Honda CG110-1980-Black
Gearbox fixed
It was making a strange noise so I took the clutch cover off and found a broken gear tooth.
The engine had to come out and I split the crankcase to get to the broken gear. Luckily I had a spare gear and crankcase gasket in stock.
It took me 6 hours to remove the engine, strip down, replace the gear, reassemble and put back in the frame. Running great now, no weird noises anymore ?
Stripes installed
New Decals Fitted
Coming Together Nicely
More progress on the Bitza Build. Got my ignition switch mounted, made one of the missing top engine mounts, made the coil mounting bracket fit, painted the shorty mudguards (not my finest work, to be fitted after compliance with a smaller tail light), fitted the exhaust from my “good” CG (not sure I like this one anymore so a new one coming for my “good” CG). Engine starts easily and runs well. Valve clearances need doing, but there is an odd noise coming from the bottom end. A sort of clicking, doesn’t sound like it’s from the engine, maybe clutch or gearbox. Further investigation required.

Even more progress!
More Progress with the Bitza Build
The Bitza Build is Coming Along Nicely
Another CG build
I’ve got so many CG125 parts left over I thought I would build another one to use them up. I managed to pick up a frame, engine and some other bits and bobs for a good price so I now should have everything I need to complete. This one will begin it’s next life as it started it’s first life, as a CG110. And so it begins again.